Culture Fit Form

"Our vision is creating a scalable and joyful Tech-Powerhouse that will transform visions into successful businesses globally"

The Culture Fit Form is introduced as part of our prospecting process to ensure that we find the right individuals who align with our values and vision.

We believe that creating a cohesive team environment where everyone feels connected and valued is crucial to our success.

We've implemented this form and how it helps us in finding the right members to join our team!

Your full name
Email Address
Phone Number
LinkedIn Link
What hobbies or interests do you pursue in your free time?
What are some of the biggest concerns or worries you have either personally or professionally?
How do you leverage your unique skills and experiences?
What do you believe sets you apart?
What hobbies would you like to start or get back to doing?
What are the three values that best characterize you?
What values would you like to adopt?
What values do you hold dear both in your personal life and in the workplace?
Please Add your CV