Meet Tomer

Hi, my name is Tomer Ashkenazy, a husband, and a father from Tel Aviv.
I am a serial entrepreneur, VC scout, Jiu-Jitsu black belt and a passionate growth hacker!

I am a life-long entrepreneur who is always looking for the next great adventure. I have helped dozens of tech founders validate their business and scale by providing the right advice and direction through our exclusive global community, seminars, workshops, and 1:1 coaching sessions working with various technological hubs and accelerators worldwide, such Tech Stars, Masschallenge ,Tech hub, MITA, Inegev, MaofTech, Ga2Tech, DisrupTech, and help tech founders find the right positioning, develop customer-focused products, plan and execute the go to market strategy to get REAL traction, how to multiply their revenue and raise funds.

My personal success has been achieved by being driven to provide the highest value in any personal or professional encounter and it proves itself as super successful!


At the age of 26, I made my first million, and at the age of 31 my first "exit”.
When I started life wasn't easy and full of struggle, I made every mistake in the book, and crucially needed someone I could trust for support and advice to answer questions like

  • How to validate my the solution and product
  • How do we differentiate from the completion?
  • How can we identify my ideal customer?
  • How to chose the right business model?
  • Who to build a customer-focused product and use feedback loop?
  • How to approach investors?
  • How can we improve the sales process and increase sales?
  • How do we reduce CAC and increase CLTV?
  • What is the next market or industry we need to approach?
I am sure you are dealing with similar questions...

Unfortunately, with so much information on the internet, it's hard to know what's accurate, and that can be really confusing.
I went through a tough time figuring things out before I finally found the right path.


Luckily, I was able to find the right mentors, books, and tips to build the knowledge that has been very useful to me and others.

Since then, I co-founded a gaming company, led a SaaS pharmaceutical startup and a speech recognition & NLP startup.
Unfortunately, they all failed!

I learned so much from every failure and came across amazing people along the way.

Don't get me wrong, being a tech-founder is a hard choice! 
We are dealing with similar challenges.
The good thing is you're not alone!

At this point I decided to pass on the insights I had learned along the way and today I help tech-founders scale faster focusing on fast business validation and increasing ARR using the same growth hacking methods.

It will be my honor to be a part of your journey!

looking for the a fast business validation and scaling methods?