Develop the skills and resilience required to build scalable business FASTER! Attract | Convert | Retain | Expand

We are the ULITIMATE tech partners!

What do we offer?

Business Validation & Execution  |  Traction | Scale | Global Expansion

    Marketing Solutions

    Tech Focused End-To-End Marketing Solution

    Product Development Solutions

    Code | Low Code | Bubble | LLM | AI | ML

    Tech Community & Network

    Communication is The Key to Success & Scalability

    Trusted by


    Ready to validate your business strategy, execute on the highest level and Scale FASTER...?
    Scaling is the key to a sustainable business, Tomer and his entire team are committed to helping your Tech company scale FASTER.
    If your goal is to increase ARR while creating a self-sufficient B2B company You are at the right place!


    We are ready to do the heavy lifting!

    Meet Our Growth Operation Partners

    Tomer Ashkenazy


    Gideon Shmuel

    Tech & Fundraising Partner

    Noam Band

    Investment Partner

    Shira Levy Barkan

    Growth Marketing Partner

    Ziv Koren

    Product & Tech Partner

    Coaching sessions with Tomer

    Vanity Metrics and The Reasons You Should Ignore it!

    Vanity metrics are metrics that make you look good to others but do not help you measure the scalable performance 

    AARRR Metrics

    Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue. AARRR is the acronym for the 5 steps modeling the customer lifecycle

    Sales Funnel & Pipeline Stages for Sales Optimization

    A sales pipeline represents the stages a consumer goes through to become a customer. The sales funnel represents the number of prospects who make it through

    We already helped dozens of companies expand to the global markets and increase ARR!